The past few weeks have been a blur. Coherent thoughts can no longer be formed. Communication only possibly possible in list form.
Caffeine is amazing
Yoga is fucking stupid
Cats make everything better
Top 15 video games of all time is a hard list to make (best to avoid it all together)
Yoga is really fucking stupid
New Orleans is out of control (also fun)
The anticipation for Fable 3 is a hard hurdle to whatever you do to hurdles
Firefly is a really good show
Yoga really is very fucking stupid
Thanksgiving in Washington is happening
Home is where the xbox is
Ginger bread french toast at Denny’s is amazing at 2 am
JC Penny’s is better than I remembered
Craving Pizza Hut
Projecting your feelings for someone onto some random hobby they might have is totally petty, immature, and acceptable
Yoga has to be the stupidest fucking thing that ever fucking happened in the whole history of the fucking cosmos so it can go fuck itself