Wednesday, April 28, 2010



Sergio Rossi, Willy’s, L’Autre Chose, Casadei

"All limits are self imposed."

I want to go higher I tell you. HIGHER!

What could possibly go wrong…

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

mad penguin style

I really want this from the Zac Posen collection for Target. I think it's horribly, horribly cute. James laughs and laughs about it though, and can only say, "But it's a tuxedo that's a bodysuit."

Saturday, April 24, 2010




(F 21 dress, DIY’ed jacket)

Am I delusional for wearing this jacket? Dunno. I weirded it out a couple months ago when I added these shoulder wings. I think the jacket was originally a gift from Noel a thousand years ago when I was a freshman in high school. Do you remember this Noel? Anyway, despite the ridiculousness of it, I love the idea of cold structure with florals for spring.

Alsooooo, I need a trim very very VERY desperately. But I really can’t spend money on it. Should I do it myself? Or just wait?

Also, how much hyperbole is too much hyperbole? Like, way, Way, WAAAYYYY toooo much?

Friday, April 23, 2010

a heavy hand

Some looks on heavy rotation in my inspiration folder:

jagged brow : nylon jan 2009

matte pink lip : zink march 2005

smear tactics : Pat McGrath for Balenciaga

galaxy nails : pop rocks

orange : Nars in Allure Dec '09

old school: ronnie

heavy eyebrows : Numero magazine

Prada look : jjacks48

Arabic look : MissChievous

Friday, April 16, 2010

Just Do It!

So MY favorite short hair cut is Carey Mulligan, the girl who starred in An Education. Here is her with long hair and looking plain as ever.

carey mulligan long hair

carey mulligan long hair2


*Yawn, right?

And HERE, is her looking incredibly awesome in short hair.

carey mulligan carey mulligan2

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Carey-Mulligan-carey-mulligan-8141213-507-600 Carey-MulliganQA-CU02-vl


Carey Mulligan in Vogue

Seriously, she is so effing cute with short hair. And a million times more legit. Plus, I love the kind of pouffier look, in the second short hair picture. AND, the curls in the Vogue shoot. Short hair is versatile too!

Anyway, do it! Do it! DO IT!

Go all the way!

Michelle Williams - October Vogue 2009

Tara, just do it! Look at all these cute hair pics.

Even Mz. Poshy herself knows the outstanding power of a great short hair cut.

Oh boo hoo, I don't have long hair.

Mia Wasikowska - March Teen Vogue 2010

My next hair goal is this chick in Teen Vogue (I keep reading alot of Teen V for some reason, but I'm starting to think it's better than regular stick-up-the-ass oldies Vogue.) This is the girlie girl that played Alice in Tim B.'s wonderland. She looks so much more interesting than in the film, huh? CAH-RAZY- MUST BE THAT CUTIE HAIR.
Anyway, hopefully I can stop shaving the sides long enough to get it to this shape. But that may be easier said than done... I keep it so short cuz this mexi hair always wants to go so Monchichi, gah.

"Someone please shave the sides of my head for the love of god."

bless ths mess on my head...or rat nest

Barcelona is filled with beautiful women with great hair, and I am getting so close to hacking all my 3 year effort off to get a very European hair cut. I've been whining to Noel and Felicia, who both think I should just go for it, but I think I need to wait it out just a little longer. I know! I'm such a wuss! But until then here's what I got going on, a big ol' pile of ratting, HURRAY FOR BIG HAIR

I'm definitely not one of those ANTM type girls who cry over spilled hair, but I want to make good use out of this frizz ball on my head while I can. THEN I think I'm going to bleach the shit out of it in hopes of having white platinum, then I'll go for a full out pixie!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Three Days Down


Post Secret



OMGoodness! too cute to function.
Waiting for a free day, so I can make a homemade version of Susie Bubble’s pants.

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Also want to make this shoulder armor. To protect me from the sharks. Fadetoblack


This week I have too much work. What better way to postpone my scholarly tasks then with a completely irrelevant post. Ahhh, what a life.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I kill you scum



The little TC, in NY, visiting FYC. NBD.

A simpler time, when the only thing we worried about was total nuclear annihilation.


Jeffery Campbell Snick Wedges

I’ve pretty much been only wearing these for the past few days. They’re half clog and half… uh… some.. other. kind. of clog…

Monday, April 5, 2010

Wiki wiki yeah…


Easter? I love the color of that green border below the bricks. Can I get that in a nail polish please?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Egg Yellows

I’ve been drooling over these Martin Margiela’s for quite some time now. And just now I came across this somewhat similar, and remarkably more disturbing, cheaper version. Do I dare? I could even change the color of the upper. Or is it too ridiculous, even for me?

martinmargiela22 martinmargiela22a

Martin Margiela via yoox


random ebay post

Friday, April 2, 2010

but YOU!

Music videos likes this with fun pop-y dancing and singing remind me of that time Noel caught Tara and me practicing our Spice Girl dance routine in the mirror in the living room. We tried to play it off as some sort of post running stretches, but I’m pretty sure she knew what was going on. Plus, this video has taught me most of the Korean I know. Which, to say the least, isn’t very much.