Friday, April 16, 2010

Just Do It!

So MY favorite short hair cut is Carey Mulligan, the girl who starred in An Education. Here is her with long hair and looking plain as ever.

carey mulligan long hair

carey mulligan long hair2


*Yawn, right?

And HERE, is her looking incredibly awesome in short hair.

carey mulligan carey mulligan2

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Carey Mulligan in Vogue

Seriously, she is so effing cute with short hair. And a million times more legit. Plus, I love the kind of pouffier look, in the second short hair picture. AND, the curls in the Vogue shoot. Short hair is versatile too!

Anyway, do it! Do it! DO IT!

1 comment:

Noël said...

Yes! I love this girl's hair too. Did you see that movie, "An Education"? I heard great things about it but still haven't seen it.
Also, I love that red carpet look of hers and especially that dress (black strapless dress) - it has little miniature pieces of hardware sewn all over it! So cute!